Thursday, April 23, 2020

Should Parents Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children free essay sample

It is no secret that teens break the law, thinking they are above the law. They engage in underage drinking, vandalism, also possession, and under the influence of drugs. But then some young people commit felonies such as breaking and entering into a house, grand theft auto, even murder, and rape. Children of all ages are capable of breaking the law, but it can be expected that adolescents tend to break the law more. Unfortunately, teens in American engage in some pretty risky behavior in their middle and high school years. And unfortunately, these crimes have severe consequences that last a lifetime. While these minors are often thought of as children simply making mistakes, they are still human beings influence by the people around them, and. So, therefore, their crimes should not make their parents responsible.Parents bear many responsibilities, among them providing for their child’s basic needs, ensuring the child is educated, and protecting the child from any danger. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Parents Be Held Responsible for the Crimes of Their Children? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, parents are responsible for instilling moral values and social norms. By teaching lessons about right and wrong, the parent prepares the child to embody normative behaviors in a society whose law and order depends upon the individual exercise of good judgment, reason, and insight. When children are young, parents are able to exert a considerable amount of influence in compelling them to conform to the values and norms they have been taught. Parents reinforce positive behavior, and punish those actions that does exercise good judgement. As a child ages and begins to make their own decision without parental influence, they become their own individual. The child has control and aware of their actions and should know what is right or wrong.In conclusion, we all make mistakes, and many of us, even on accident, commit crimes. And when people committing crimes are caught, they get charged. The same goes for children, mostly adolescents. They generally know why they are doing something wrong, so they should always be held responsible for their actions and not their parents. It is the same with teenagers like when they get caught committing a crime, their parents should never be held responsible unless the parents assisted in the crime. It’s time to hold young people responsible for their actions.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Analyzing the Essay Sample - Part 2

Analyzing the Essay Sample - Part 2In a recent post, I discussed how you can test for things in your essay sample analysis. In this post, I will discuss some of the ways that you can analyze a sample in a broader sense and some of the considerations you should keep in mind when making a decision as to whether or not you want to use the analysis.I strongly encourage you to read the first part of the piece, where I discuss the benefits of writing a short paragraph for your essay. In that same discussion, I also discussed the benefits of using a single sentence for the overall analysis. I still strongly encourage you to follow that recommendation, even though there are many other benefits to using several sentences or a few paragraphs to begin the analysis. However, I will make three points with regards to using a sample analysis.One, the sample analysis on the essay is usually very brief. In my most recent post, I suggested that you consider starting with a single sentence. Using that same sample, let's use it to analyze a sample. Now, if you used a paragraph or a whole page of analysis, you would not get a sense of the main idea. You would not get a clear picture of the central idea, because it would be too long.Two, the paragraph you used to start your analysis would be too short, because of the weak intro. The strong opening needs to set the stage for the primary theme of the essay. I know that people are accustomed to longer essays, but in this case, it is sometimes better to go with a single sentence to begin the analysis. In fact, the stronger the opening, the better. It will give you a sense of how the theme flows throughout the entire essay.Three, the analysis is usually too detailed, because it addresses too many broadconclusions at once. For example, if you begin with the concept of global capitalism, and then go into detail about a couple of world regions in which different cultures were dominant, it is easy to get away with having the conclusion 'all countries follow capitalism'. On the other hand, if you began by mentioning the contrast between American and European culture, and then went into detail about the different styles of Western culture, it would be very difficult to get around having the conclusion 'European culture is more liberal than American culture'.With these three points in mind, you should try to analyze the essay on the essay flight for the purpose of beginning a discussion. But you should not read the entire thing! If you do, you would be very surprised to find that the analysis stops and doesn't begin anywhere else in the essay. Why?Because the focus of the essay, and therefore the beginning of the discussion, is that which is discussed at the very end of the essay. It is that end that you need to hit if you are going to get a reasonable discussion off of your analysis. Use the analysis to give you a good starting point for discussion. Then, go on to your topic after you have hit the 'end' of the analysis.U sing the analysis on the essay flight for discussion is an important part of the process. But you should not let the analysis drag on forever, as it is going to drive you crazy if you do that.